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mentioned on the accuse of enslaves or causes a person to be in a similar
position, transports them into or out of the country, or buys, sells, disposes,
accepts, or restrains a person. Many legal gaps have shown up as a result
of the application of these rules of law, including the problem of the restriction
of rights over children born through surrogacy.
Thailandûs newly formed national assembly under the control of the
government generally seeks the measure to handle with surrogacy hub
arranged in our country. Now, the Thai parliament had passed a law that was
expected to eliminate the çwombs-for-renté business for the last couple of
years. As an effect of new Surrogacy Acts, foreigners together with Thai
couples who looking for any kind of commercial basis through agents are
prohibited from the legal surrogacy arrangement. This Acts (ART Act) had
been enacted and enforced after it is published in the Royal Thai Government
namely Gazette. This regulation immensely protects children born through
these technologies (ART) and sets the legal procedures that the spouses must
follow to have the right toward the child.
The new regulation initially aims to clarify the parentûs legal status to
decrease the complication related to the duties of parties involved in the
surrogacy process also to control the appropriate enhanced technology
application. Secondly, this Act was set as a goal for prohibiting surrogacy
activities involving profit-making players. The new Act describes the
Thailand Penal Code (Thai Laws Specifying Crimes and Punishment), (B.E. 2499 (1956), last
amended by Criminal Code (No.17), B.E. 2547 (2004)), § 312.
Senate Meeting Minutes (2015, 19 February). Thai Senate website; text of the Act. Thai
Senate website.
Report of the Consideration of the Protection for Children Born through Assisted
Reproductive Technologies Act, Thai Senate website (Jan. 22, 2015) (in Thai).
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