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allow surrogacy activities, the adoption of the child by genetic mother is
prohibited even though that left the child with no legal mother.
The effect from the void surrogacy contract had made no recourse
toward any parties engaged upon the illegal agreement which granted the
claim toward the child to the surrogate mother, not genetic parent. In case
that neither surrogate mother nor intended mother is willing to raise the child,
after all, none can ask to reimburse for any expenses caused during the
surrogacy process. On the other hand, jurisdictions in which surrogacy is
permitted, the court would rule on the legal parentage of a child by offering
genetic-intended mother the legal parent status without the need to enter
the adoption process. †These arrangements that the intended parents are
heterosexual and married to one another generally require the consent of all
parties involved, including the husband of a married surrogate mother or her
partner. Thus, under the Thai legal system, enforcement of surrogacy contracts
has forced the surrogate mother to give up parental rights since there is no
genetic relationship toward the expected child.
Thai Immigration regulations toward the surrogated-baby born
in Thailand
The new regulation has been implemented to place many steps
away on bringing the surrogate offspring abroad Thai border. Recently, a court
order is needed before the surrogate family leave the country . Stated the
Immigration Deputy
Baudouin, C. (n.d.). Surrogacy in Quebec: First Legal Test. Canadian Fertility and Andrology
Society. Retrieved August 21, 2019. from
Bognar, T. (2017, 28 November). Birth Orders: An Overview.
Kannan, S. (2009). Regulators Eye Thaiûs Surrogacy Sector. Thai Business Report, BBC World.
Retrieved August 21, 2019. from
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