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P. 174
facilitate evidence gathering. In addition, obtaining direct evidence of a cartel
agreement may require special investigative powers, tools and techniques
which may not be at the disposal of less experienced or new authorities.
This may mean that the competition agency in such jurisdictions would
have greater difficulty in generating direct evidence in cartel cases, and have
to rely more heavily on circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence is
nevertheless accepted in most developed countries, reflecting the importance
of this type of evidence for the successful enforcement of competition law.
This article aims to answer the key question whether circumstantial
evidences should be accepted in hardcore cartel cases. The author will
address and examine experiences from Japan, Indonesia and South Korea
where circumstantial evidences are utilized by competition authority and
the court.
Keywords : competition law, circumstantial evidences, economic
evidences, hardcore cartel
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¥â“π√“§“ (Price fixing) °“√μ°≈ß√à«¡°—π¥â“πª√‘¡“≥ (Output restriction) °“√μ°≈ß
·∫àßæ◊Èπ∑’Ëμ≈“¥ (Market allocation) ·≈–°“√Œ—È«ª√–¡Ÿ≈ (Bid rigging) ´÷Ëßæƒμ‘°√√¡
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(innovation) ‡ªìπμâπ
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