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                         The Civil Court has jurisdiction over civil cases in which the cause

                         of action occurs in the prescribed area in Bangkok, or the
                         defendants reside in such area.


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                         The arbitral tribunal does not have jurisdiction over disputes that

                         parties exclude from the arbitration agreement.

                         §≥–Õπÿ≠“‚μμÿ≈“°“√‰¡à¡’Õ”π“®‡Àπ◊Õ¢âÕæ‘æ“∑∑’˧Ÿà°√≥’°—πÕÕ°®“° —≠≠“

                         Jurisdictions such as Hong Kong and Macau have their own

                         judiciaries and laws that differ from those in other parts of the

                         country that they are a part of.

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