Page 29 - หนังสือรายงานสถิติคดีภาคภาษาอังกฤษ e-book
P. 29

||  Chapter 1 : The Supreme Court

           1.1  Case Pending and Case Disposed of

                         Pending         New       Total Case       Case          Case          Case
     Type of Cases         from          Case                     Disposed      Disposed   Pending at

                         Previous       Filings      Filings          of           (%)      End of Year

     Civil Cases           963          5,250         6,213         5,041         81.14         1,172

     Criminal Cases       1,592         3,666         5,258         4,007         76.21         1,251

           Total          2,555         8,916         11,471        9,048         78.88         2,423

         Noted : Total case filings = cases pending from previous year + new case filings

            1.2 Top Five Causes of Action and Offences in New Case Filings

                                 Civil Cases (Causes of Action)

                                  180                164
                                                                       103                 81

        1. Land Dispute         2. Torts         3. Eviction     4. Claim Back 5. Revoke the
                                                                     Property        Juristic Act

                                 Criminal Cases (Causes of Offence)

               738                736               654                549                408

          1. Narcotics Act  2. Offences Against   3. Firearm,    4. Petty Offences 5. Offences to Theft
                                  Life           Ammunition,                         and Snatching
                                             Explosive, Firework
                                                 and Imitation
                                                 Firearm Act

                          Annual Judicial Statistics, Thailand 2020   |    Page 28
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34