Page 26 - หนังสือรายงานสถิติคดีภาคภาษาอังกฤษ e-book
P. 26

||  Summary of Statistics of Court of Justice

         Human Trafficking in Thailand

               Human trafficking is a serious problem for the Thai society and all over the

        world because human trafficking is a crime that harm on the human right therefore it

        becomes the main issue in the world. The human trafficking is also regarded as an
        international crime, it is a serious problem that every country including Thailand

        should put cooperate to solve the problem. In Thailand, the Anti-Trafficking in

        Person Act B.E.2551 (2008) the Anti-Trafficking in Person Act B.E.2558 (2015) the
        Anti-Trafficking in Person Act B.E.2560 (2017) and Human Trafficking Criminal

        Procedure Act, B.E. 2559 [2016] have been established to solve out this problem. It

        has a significant principle as a consequence of human trafficking problem which is a
        major problem that affects human rights which is dangerous to the country’ social

        stability and sustainable development. Therefore, Human Trafficking Criminal

        Procedure has been specifically established in order to have an efficient prevention

        and suppression of human trafficking. In addition, it will help any related cases be in
        the proceedings faster and more fairly.

               However, according to the fact that Thailand is a source, transit, and

        destination country for human trafficking, Thai Government prioritizes this issue as an

        urgent agenda and should be executed in every dimension to protect and reduce
        numbers of victims for both sex and labor exploitation. Thus, the Court of Justice of

        Thailand has followed the policy by making an immediate and effective prosecution

        in Thai Courts of First Instance.

      Table 10. Statistics of The Human Trafficking Case by Courts of First Instance in 2020
                                   Pending                                      Cases      Pending

                                  Cases from  New       Cases        Cases                 Cases to
               Courts                                                         Disposed
                                   Previous  Cases      Filings    Disposed               Following
                                    Years                                        (%)         Year

          Criminal Courts             28        73       101          55        54.46         46

          Provincial Courts           79        93       172          122       70.93         50

     Juvenile and Family Courts        6        25        31          22        70.97         9

       Total Number of Cases         113       191       304          199       65.46        105

         Noted : Case Filings = Total cases filed to the court = pending cases from previous year + new cases

                          Annual Judicial Statistics, Thailand 2020   |    Page 25
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