Page 22 - หนังสือรายงานสถิติคดีภาคภาษาอังกฤษ e-book
P. 22

||  Summary of Statistics of Court of Justice

         The Amount in Dispute

               The claim computable in terms of money in 2020 are civil cases for

        353,128,653,352 baht, consumer cases for 264,125,902,036 baht and
        environmental cases for 932,963,581.01 baht.

         Table 5. Statistics of Cases Submitted to Court of First Instance Classified by the Amount in Dispute

                                        Cases of Claim Computable in Terms of Money

      Cases      Cases of claim   cannot be computed   in terms of money  Lower 50,000 Baht  Over 50,000 Baht   to 300,000 Baht  Over 300,000 Baht   to 500,000 Baht  Over 500,000 Baht   to 1 million Baht  Over 1 Million Baht   to 5 Millions Baht  Over 5 Millions Baht   to 10 Millions Baht  Over 10 Millions Baht   to 50 Millions Baht  Over 50 Millions Baht to   100 Millions Baht  Over 100 Millions Baht  Cases

    Civil Cases 129,999 25,552    38,629   8,728    9178   11842    2164    2489     396     466   229,443

    Consumer     1,047  171,033  412,590  49,074  49,754  38,034  3,216     1,808     63     55    726,674
   Environmen    360       27       35      17       34      18      12       4       1       3      511
    -tal Cases

     Tourist       -       -        -        -       -       -        -       -       -       -       -
   Cases (Civil)
      Cases        -       -        -        -       -       -        -       -       -       -       -


      Total     131,406 196,612 451,254 57,819 58,966 49,894        5,392   4,301    460     524   956,628
    Note: There are no tourist cases in civil law and consumer law filed to the court in this year

               The cases are classified by the amount in disputes under civil law. The

        cases of claim cannot be computed in term of money are motion for execution

        of inheritance, motion for cancellation of fraudulent acts, etc., these are cases
        where relief applied for cannot be computed in term of money. However, in

        2020, most of cases were consumer cases which had claims amount over 50,000

        baht to 300,000 baht.

                          Annual Judicial Statistics, Thailand 2020   |    Page 21
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27