Page 18 - หนังสือรายงานสถิติคดีภาคภาษาอังกฤษ e-book
P. 18
|| Summary of Statistics of Court of Justice
Figure 1.2. Total Case Filings and Cases Disposed in Nationwide from 2016 to 2020
1,826,160 1,803,123 1,957,566 1,943,919 1,779,759
1,597,103 1,554,575 1,724,083 1,693,849 1,541,213
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Case Filings Case Disposed of
Figure 1.2 shows that, in past five years (2016 - 2020), the number of case
filings of the court of justice has been increased persistently and reached apex over
1.9 million cases since 2018. However, in 2020, the court cases declined due to
COVID 19 virus outbreak as most court hearings had to be postponed.
Case Filings and Case Disposed of in the Court of Justice
Thailand has changed appeal system to the Supreme Court for civil cases
from the rights-based system to the permission-based system in 2015. Thai law
traditionally has allowed parties to appeal any court of first instance decision to the
appellate courts and subsequently the latter’s decision to the Supreme Court. The
Supreme Court’s judgment (referred to as the Dika) is final. According to the Act
(Act No. 27) amending the Civil Procedure Code, the Supreme Court now has the
power to grant permission to file a Dika if it deems the question to be a significant
matter worthy of a decision. If the Supreme Court does not permit the dika appeal,
a judgment or an order rendered by the Court of Appeal is final. As a result, the
adjudication of the Court of Justice will genuinely be effective and fair to all related
people without any delay.
To prevent and stop virus spreading situation, the postponement of hearings
have been announced in the courts of first instance. As a result, the number of
new cases submitted to courts and cases submitted for an appeal were decreased.
Annual Judicial Statistics, Thailand 2020 | Page 17