Page 25 - หนังสือรายงานสถิติคดีภาคภาษาอังกฤษ e-book
P. 25

||  Summary of Statistics of Court of Justice

         Juvenile and Family Law

               The Juvenile and Family Court and Procedure 2010 Act was effective on

        22 May 2011. It aims to provide the rights and welfare protection and the practices for

        children, youth, women and family members. As a result, the procedure in the
        Juvenile and Family Courts involves the convention on the rights of the child and

        convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in order

        to be in line with the constitution.
               Most criminal cases filing to the Juvenile and Family Courts have been applied

        special measures for correction, treatment and rehabilitation as showed in table 8.

        The implementation of special measure of both Section 90 and Section 132 has more
        successful rate than unsuccessful rate.

            Table 8. The Number of Cases Delivered to Measures for Correction, Treatment and Rehabilitation

                                                      Number of Cases Using Special Measure in Lieu of
                                                       Prosecution / Measures for Correction, Treatment

                          Measures                                   and Rehabilitation

                                                          Successful      Unsuccessful     In Process
                                                       Implementation    Implementation

          Special Measure in Lieu of Prosecution            578                87             729
          Section 90
          Measures for Correction, Treatment and
          Rehabilitation Section 132                        9,667              449           8,862

                            Total                          10,245              536           9,591

               Moreover, to protect children and reduce domestic violence, Thailand

        established the Child Protection Act, B.E. 2546 (2003) and the Victims of
        Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act, B.E.2550 (2007).

           Table 9. The Number of Cases Submitted and Cases Disposed of under Juvenile and Family
           Acts.                                       Case             Case        Cases disposed

                                                    submitted        disposed             (%)

         The Child Protection Act, B.E. 2546 (2003)     55               52              94.55

         The Victims of Domestic Violence Victim        55               43              78.18
         Protection Act, B.E.2550 (2007)

                          Annual Judicial Statistics, Thailand 2020   |    Page 24
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