Page 10 - E-Modul Procedure Text
P. 10
Picture Number Sentence Number
Coba kita samakan ya! Nah sekarang mari coba membaca informasi tentang
teks prosedur terkait manual dan kiat-kiat (tips) berikut dan berlatih menganalisis
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur tersebut dengan
menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan terkait teks tersebut.
Practice 2:
1. First, you will read silently to understand the procedure texts below. Make sure that
you know the meaning of every word. If you find some words that you do not
understand their meaning yet. Then, consult the dictionary. (Baca dalam hati untuk
memahami makna dari teks prosedur berikut).
2. Second, read each text (text 1 and 2) loudly as if you are giving the instructions and
take a note on your book. If possible, record your voice. (Baca dengan nyaring
seolah- olah Kalian sedang memberikan instruksi dan jika memungkinkan
rekamlah suara kalian).