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                  Praise be to the God, because of His grace, the author was able to finish the e-book
                  entitled 'Opinion and Thought' smoothly. This book was written to help teachers or
                  lecturers and students who need various materials as well as  enrichment on opinion
                  and thought material. I also express my gratitude to those who supported the smooth
                  running  of  this  e-book,  starting  from  the  writing  process  to  parents,  colleagues,
                  Teaching Materials Development lecturers and many more that I cannot mention one
                  by one.

                  Meanwhile,  my  e-book  entitled  'opinion  and  thought'  in  this  e-book,  written
                  expressions  of  general  opinion,  expressing  of  personal  opinion,  agreeing  with  an
                  opinion, and disagreeing with an opinion. I realize, there are still many mistakes and
                  mistakes  which  of  course  are  far  from  perfect  about  this  e-book.  Therefore,  I  beg
                  readers to provide criticism and suggestions for this e-book work so that I can continue
                  to improve the quality of the book.

                  Thus I created this e-book, with the hope that readers can understand the information
                  and also get insights about opinions and thoughts. Thank you.

                  Tabanan , 15 December 2022

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