Page 123 - sampelcetak
P. 123
Ar cle 60
Closing Provisions
1. This Collec ve Labor Agreement is valid since the signing date by the
Management and caretaker of the Labor Union up un l 23 November 2025.
2. This Collec ve Labor Agreement shall be renewed by way of nego a on
between the Management and caretaker of the Labor Union by no later than 30
days prior to the expira on date of this Collec ve Labor Agreement.
3. The term of this Collec ve Labor Agreement can be extended for a maximum of
1 year based on a wri en agreement between the Management and the Labor
4. In the event that the nego a on as men oned in paragraph (3) above does not
reach an agreement and the extension period has ended, the provisions in this
Collec ve Labor Agreement will remain in force un l a new Collec ve Labor
Agreement is signed.
5. Management will include the Collec ve Labor Agreement in the Bank's website
which can be accessed by Employees who have access to such website.
6. Management will distribute the Collec ve Labor Agreement Book only to
Employees who do not have access to the portal.
7. Other work requirements deemed necessary which are not yet covered in this
Collec ve Labor Agreement shall be abide by the prevailing laws and
Jakarta, 23 November 2023
Mutually Agreed by :
Collec ve Labor Agreement
PT. Bank Mizuho Indonesia 2023 - 2025