Page 2 - Newsletterpdf
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Catering & Marketing
Catering Success of Marketing: Hello! and Thank you to everyone
Q4 & 2020 Plan that has welcomed me and helped me learn
in my short time here at Chick-Fil-A Findlay!
Catering: Hi Team, we had a great end It’s truly a pleasue to be a part of such a great
of year! Thank you for all of your support, team! I appreciate your patience as I accliment
to accomplish these goals, last year we to the store and I look forward to getting to know
accomplished goals of reaching $25,000 in everyone better!
sales for the month of December! This could What a great first year of business in 2019! I’m
not be done with out a great team. excited to be a part of the team as we head into
We have some huge goals set for this year! 2020! I hope you all get a chance to see the DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE AND A SERVANT HEART TO BETTER CARE FOR OUR COMMUNITY
We will be implimenting a checklist and 2020 Plan and how your role fits into that plan!
other systems to help streamline catering I will highlight this plan at our All Team Meeting
process as a whole, this will allow everyone on February 23rd, 1:30 - 4:30. We will have fun
to feel comfortable taking catering orders. at this meeting and go over the goals we hope to Breakfast t
We encourage all to help grow our business achieve and how we plan to obtain them! M e nu
by talking to your family and friends about $3.25 $3.85
what we offer, share a catering menu with We also have some fun ideas planned for first
them or help them download the app and quarter to welcome more guests into the dining Biscuit with Chicken
show them how to order for catering! I look room for breakfast as well as encoraging more $4.05 Medium Fruit Cup
forward to working with all of you in 2020. guest to use the Chick-fil -A One app and use $2.60
Greek Yogurt Parfait, Granola
- Katie Dine-in Mobile! Thank you for your enthusiasm $4.05
and participation in our social media posts. We
Greek Yogurt Parfait, Cookie Biscuit with Sausage
hope you’ll continue sharing them! - Melinda
New ADP Menus
Overall Operations
Happy 2020 everyone! Thank you for a great year in 2019, I enjoyed the success we had together, and it
was a pleasure getting to know you all. I’m excited for all the changes coming this year and looking forward
to taking on a more active role in making all three day parts become standard setting within Chick-fil-A.
In this section of the newsletter you can expect to see successes, challenges, and anything that will be
changing within operations. Below are a few items that you should note:
White board by the office: This board is for communication with any of the directors. If you need to let me
know we are out of something you can put it here. If you need to schedule time with Paul or RC you can put
your name down. If you have an idea for Melinda or Katie, you can put that here as well.
Back of House
Kale Crunch is a new permanent menu item replacing Super Food side.
Trays of buns should be limited to two or three at a time as volumes have slowed our bun quality has
suffered as buns sit longer.
We now have prewashed green leaf lettuce which should be a huge time saver!
Front of House
We have begun rolling out some suggestive selling. This will become a regular part of what we do here.
Thank you for all of those that have given great participation. If you have any great ideas for this, please let
Melinda or I know.
Please ensure you are cleaning up cardboard in the drive through cockpit. As we focus more on
safety this is an area that is easy to manage and will help reduce risk. - Howard