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A Message from Paul NEXT ISSUE:
Well team, I hope you had a great
Holiday Season and enjoyed the • All Store Meeting 2/23
Christmas Party this month. It was truly • Upcoming Giveaways,
with great pleasure that Ann and I could in store & One App
host you for the event. This new and • More Golden Nugget
improved newsletter is a big step towards Winners
displaying our core values in 2020. You • Business of the Month
will be hearing a great deal more about • Service Rewards
two things this year: The first is our core
values which are Excellence, Service, two concepts should build a
and Care. The second is our mission healthy culture. A business
statement at Chick-fil-A Findlay which is only as strong as its
is, “Developing excellence and a servant people and its people are
heart, to better care for our community.” guided by the culture. Let’s
These two concepts will be foundational establish a great culture in
in establishing what Chick-fil-A Findlay 2020. - Paul
will be into the future. Our new alignment,
with our directors, combined with these
1931 Tiffin Avenue, Findlay, OH 45840