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Chick-Fil-A in the Community                                                   Congratulations
                                                                                       Golden Nugget
       This month we were contacted   to mirror this back to FHS
       by FHS Athletic Department   by feeding both teams. This                             Winners!
       who asked us to use their   gesture of thoughtfulness form
       catering budget to feed the   FHS is exactly the kind of                      Our Golden Nugget winners for
       hosted Ottawa-Glandorf team   caring we respresent in our                     January were:
       as a thoughtful gesture for   community!                                      12/30 - 1/4 - Tim Peace
       the awful tragedy that ocurred
       to one of their teammates   We also had a guest purchase                      1/6 - 1/11 - Cole Crooks
       parents. Because caring is one   $700 in gift cards and bless   for their dinners that   1/13 - 1/17 - Madelyn Span
       of our core values, we wanted   the following guests by paying   evening!     1/20 - 1/24 - Beth Ritzenthaler
                                                                                     1/27 - 1/31 - Cathy Bilgili

       Our Team

                 Team, I’m so excited for another “full   through training on safety, as well as having topics
                 send” year with all of you.  100%   each month, to review.  In addition we will have
                 2019 was the best “full send” year   people specifically designated for driving safety
                 of my life, getting the opportunity to   within the restaurant.
       work closely with all of you, helping to make Chick-  Training Plan/Continuing Education:  Kristen did
       fil-A Findlay the best!  In my new role as Director of   a  nice  job  setting  the  ground  work  for  training  in
       People I will have the opportunity to get our focus   2019.  I’m going to continue building off of her work
       back  on  track  in  some  areas  that  we  fell short  in   and ensure we have a best in class training plan,
       2019.  My key areas of focus will be: Safety, Food   that extends beyond a team members’ first few
       Safety, Training, and Team Member Development.     weeks.  We want to ensure you all are up to date
       I can’t wait to work with all of you to help us achieve   with everything going on within the restaurant.  That
       our goal of being the #1 Chick-fil-A.  Here are   is why we will expand on new team member training,
       some things you can expect in the next few weeks/  but also roll out a robust continuing education plan
       months:                               for each of you to stay at your best.
                                                                                      are the best path to getting your feedback
       Safety Plan: We don’t want to just be “good” at   One-on-Ones: This is something we strived   and  helping  you  maximize  your  potential.
       safety, we truly want to be the best.  Safety doesn’t   to accomplish regularly since we opened and   My plan is to get this back on track in 2020.
       just impact your time at work, but it can have far   admittedly, we fell short.  We value each and every                      - R.C.
       ranging impacts on your time at home.  Our target   one of you and want to see you succeed inside and
       is ZERO injuries for the year.  We will all soon go   outside of the restaurant.  We believe one-on-ones
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