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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 36 of 38


            As a summary, although the other documents give confidence on their design and the in orbit follow and on the resulting
            mission  success  this  document  above  raises  the  doubt,  and  demonstrate  that  perhaps  the  presentation  documents  are
            biased and are not giving the full story and as such induce doubts for the writer of this document. It should be highly
            desirable to have a better understanding on the design and qualification of all the units in order to be able to track the
            modifications they have introduced in the design for each of them, the reasons for the modifications and the resulting
            necessary delta qualification that they should have performed. Each issue in orbit should be addressed even the ones
            which have leaded to a loss of the satellite.
            The qualification status and the categorization of the units (A to D), is still questionable. Often they state is qualified in
            orbit by reference to a different satellite (i.e. LEO). Without knowing all the evolutions on a piece of hardware, a small
            change can invalidate a qualification, just to say that the qualification by similarity can lead to wrong conclusions.
            It is not clear how the cross fertilization between programs and lesson leaned are implemented at CAST.
            The main concerns identified are:

                  The qualification status of each unit is questionable.
                  The resources allocated to the various programs need to be clarified.
                  The testing resources to handle all the programs in parallel need to be clarified.
                  How  the  lessons  learned  from  previous  programs  (anomalies  or  success)  is  taken  into consideration  for  the
                   ongoing programs.
                  The procurement of parts / units subject to export control / ITAR restrictions need to be clarified.
                  The  development  of  the  Electrical  propulsion  is  challenging Li  Ion and  some  late discoveries  of  issues  are
            For the spacecraft under consideration for this study:
                  LAOSAT DFH 4S: should be not too challenging and achievable in the proposed schedule with some challenges
                   (Li ion battery).
                  CHINASAT 9 DFHS 4: should be not too challenging and achievable in the proposed schedule with some effort
                   to confirm the real qual status
                  CHINASAT 16 DFHS 4 S: More than challenging program with Electrical propulsion difficult Ka band mission
                   and complex antenna. To help an additional peggy back payload. Schedule not credible, lost of confidence in the
                   presentation. Organization to be précised
                  CHINASAT  18  DFE  4E:  Specification  and  requirements  not  yet defined cannot  be  assessed  with  the
                   information provided, but challenging for the power increase.

             This document is proprietary of BEAZLEY© and must be treated on a confidential basis. It may be used solely by BEAZLEY, use or reproduction, of the document and the
                                  Contained therein, for any other purposes without BEAZLEY written consent is prohibited.
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