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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 33 of 38


            You will find in this paragraph a quick review of the in orbit data and assessment already performed on the satellites
            series DFH x, from various programs. Since most of the documents have been already reviewed by other persons, the
            added value of this paragraph is questionable, nevertheless it should be considered as a tentative assessment.

                  Document or         Observation / Event                  Comment /Assessment
                               ST O2 Power BCR failure on Chinasat 11   No explanation on the reasons as well as on the induced
                                                                    modification if any
                               BE01: Payload TWT Helix current   No explanation. It may impact all the Ku TWT. As you
                                                                    may have seen there was also an issue on the Anode
                                                                    Voltage abnormal behaviour in 2012. But what was the
                                                                    conclusion on these abnormal behaviour and their
                 Fleet renewal
                               Br06 Power                         Is it really a single event? What could be the
                                                                    component failure?
                                                                  TAS recommend to work with PMB is fine for this
                                                                    satellite. But does TAS have investigated more deeply
                               AT 02: STR issue not clear.         the issue.
                                                                  Is the division by zero is considered as a software bug or
                                                                    triggered by an event (SEU or other event)
                 Chinasat 11 In                                   To consider the BCR failure/issue as being a random
                 orbit anomaly   Power, ETCA PCU , BCR anomaly     event is quite a quick answer from TAS. I presume that
                                                                    TAS has looked more deeply this problem. What is the
                  ETCA PCU                                          resulting modification on the new units? How they have
                    failure                                         been qualified?
                  (Report de
                    salud      Very good document, the Venasat behaviour  Just one point which should be better explained is linked
                  trimestrial   seems good.                       with the remarks on the SADA offset angle

                   Sinosat 6
                 Health report                                  Helium leakage during LEOP (see par 1-2-2). I believe that
                             Everything seems Ok                 this has already been taken in the following satellite design.
                  (APR 2013-
                                                                  We can expect that what has been proposed is all right.
                  Apr 2014)

             This document is proprietary of BEAZLEY© and must be treated on a confidential basis. It may be used solely by BEAZLEY, use or reproduction, of the document and the
                                  Contained therein, for any other purposes without BEAZLEY written consent is prohibited.
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