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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 30 of 38

                 CHINASAT 18             Observation                    Comment /Assessment          Cri
                               Mass budget,                      EPS,  mass  is  615KG,  what  is  behind  this
                                                                    colossal number?
                               Propellant budget, no comment     No comment at this stage
                               Power budget,.                    !5 KW capability need to be demonstrated.
                   System      TCR Link budget, no comment       No comment at this stage
                               Antenna pointing accuracy, no comment   No comment at this stage
                               Reliability, 0.731 end of life, seems optimistic   No comment at this stage
                                with the TWT redundancy proposed.
                               SPF list (page 26), seems incomplete, many   Should be updated  later
                                other SPF can be added.
                               Page 29-. According to the presentation most   It  is  understood that  the  entire  payload  will  be
                                of the hardware is qualified, or flight proven.  under TAS responsibility but the payload design
                                15.36 % of the hardware is in category C. This  is  still  in  preliminary  phase,  therefore  it  is
                                is addressing only the platform, what about the  difficult to evaluate at this stage.
                                payload ?                         Mechanical,  electrical  and  thermal  interfaces
                                    No unqualified technology;     between CAST and TAS will be clearly defined
                                    No new design units;           in  the  contract.  Therefore  it  is  premature  to
                                    Platform Minor modification units, C  evaluate it.
                                    Platform No modification units, D ≈   Page  48:.  Many  items  have  to  be  qualified  (in
                                     84.64%.                        2014)


                               Page 39. Solar array manufacturer TIPS ? It   Seems to be a new design, qualification need to
                                seems that it is a new manufacturer  be demonstrated.
                                (Qualification 09 2014) 4 panels.
                               Page 41, not yet qualified2. Li Ion batteries cell   Experience on LEO is difficult to extrapolate on
                                45 Ah, bat 135 Ah                   GEO.
                               Page 43. SADM, significant change,   Item at risk.
                                qualification end of 2014
                               Page 50.  Significant  evolution  in comparison   Comment see remarks on each subsystem
                  Platform      with  DFH-4  which  need  to  be  proven  and
                  overview      qualified.
                               No détails provided               Some doubts on the capability to handle 15 KW.
                                          Table 10-b Chinasat 18 technical assessment

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