Page 27 - test
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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 25 of 38

               CHINASAT 16              Observation                     Comment /Assessment           Cri
                                                                 In  this  spacecraft there  are  many  new  units  which
                                                                  can reserve some surprises.
                                                                 At this stage it is difficult to apprehend the risk, but
                                                                  for  sure  there  some  risks  attached  to  these  new

                             The categorization between C and B can be
                               challenged, because a qualification on a LEO
                               spacecraft cannot be directly extrapolated to a

                             Onboard software qualification, there are many   Is there enough resources allocated to these new
                               items categorized as S1 (new software). Due to  developments?
                               new devices to be used (battery management,   What is the strategy to spec, develop and test new /
                               Ion thrusters...)                  modified software (incremental validation or other
                                                                 The FDIR implementation is not presented.
                                                                 Any flight experience?
                                                                 Why they are making use of both single junction for
                                                                  some of their satellite and a triple junction for other
                                                                  while their reference to the qualify is always the
                 Platform                                         DFH 4 satellite/development
                 overview       Page 97.Solar array triple Junction cells

                             U heat pipe                        Is it new?

                             There is no mention of PFM levels, for design   Surprising for a first spacecraft.
                               or testing (unit and system level)
                 Thermal     Nothing  is  said  on  the  predicted  temperature   Hopefully there will be more details in the future
                  control      for  each  equipment  and  how  they  are   Use of U type of Heat pipe is critical as it will be
                               compatible  with  the  one  used  to  qualify  each  difficult to test them in the Tvac chamber due to
                Subsystem      equipment.  What  is  the  in  orbit  experience  gravity (there will be always a part of the HP which
                               when using radiative collector. How they will  will be vertical). Moreover the length of the HP will
                               cool down the satellite during AIT. What is the
                               process that they proposed to verify the proper  be long therefore with less heat transfer capability...
                               integration and operation of the Heat Pipe
                             Classical  subsystem.  16  thrusters  in two  semi
                               system                            To report on corrective action and implementation
                             Page 108 it appears that they experienced some  on spacecraft under development..
                               in  orbit anomalies (helium  leakage,  10  N
                             The  Pyro  valves  on  the  LAE  are  not  in   This is a risk item.
                   UPS         redundancy  (the  other  pyro valves  are  in
                Subsystem      redundancy) .In case of a pyro valve failure the
                               entire mission is lost
                             Page  87.  For  the  thrusters,  There  is  only  one   This is a risk item
                               latch valve for  each branch.  If  one thruster is
                               leaking, the entire branch need to be isolated,
                               that means for a single thrusters fails they will
                               be loosing all thrusters in one branch.  If they
                               add latch valve on each 10 N thruster, they can

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