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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 26 of 38

               CHINASAT 16              Observation                     Comment /Assessment           Cri
                               isolate the defective thruster.
                             LAE  failure  back-up  provided    by  10  N   Analysis needed to support this statement.
                             Page 114. It seems that most of the items are in  
                               cold redundancy, what about the OBC ? This is
                               a  concern  in  case  of  failure  on  the  nominal
                               path; The  redundant  configuration  will  not
                               know the context at switch ON. What about the
                  AOCS        patches loaded ? Implication of the FDIR.
                Subsystem     Page 124, How all units are powered ? what is  See comment on the left.
                               the redundancy level for DC/DC converters ? ?
                               Page 121.Operations mode and algorithm.   Explain the difference with The ECM mode and the
                             Is there an EDAC protection to correct soft   See comment on the left.
                               errors and prevent SEU effects?
                 Avionics    Same question as above for the avionic CMU   See comment on the left.
                 Subsystem     processor/

                CHINASAT 16             Observation                     Comment /Assessment           Cri
                  Avionics    Same question as above for for the avionic   See comment on the left.
                 Subsystem      CMU processor/
                              Page 131-135. If we trust all the good wording   To substantiate the heritage, it will be interesting
                                on these pages, one can conclude that the solar  to  get  feedback  for  the  in-orbit  satellites
                                array is in good shape.            (operational performances versus predictions)..

                              It  will  be  good  to  know  which cell  type  they   See comment on the left.
                                are  using,  thickness  of  the  cover  glass
                 Solar Array    minimum  distance  between  cells  and  max
                                voltage between adjacent cells. How the inner
                                panel is populated.
                              The BPBTA is not described.       See comment on the left.
                              Deployment mechanism not described.   See comment on the left.
                                                               
                              Which units need to be modified to   Is there a need to review unit categorization?
                                accommodate a 100 Volt bus?
                                Li-Ion  batteries  page  143.  Some  accelerated  Qualification  status?  Are  the  life  test
                                life test are still on going       representative  of  a  GEO mission? Who is  the
                                                                   manufacturer,? Is the production stable?
                    EPS        What  is  the  fusing  strategy ?  where  the  fuses   See comment on the left.
                 Subsystem      are located (hopefully not inside each unit).
                              Are  the  units  and spacecraft subject  to  ESD   See comment on the left.
                              Is  the  EPS  and  entire  spacecraft  tested  for  
                                TDMA mode if applicable?
                              Who  is  in  charge  of  the  PCU  (is  it  
                                subcontracted?) is it really qualified ?
                  TC & R      Three command receivers. Three TLM TX   .No major comment at this stage..
                 Subsystem      followed by for SSPA in redundancy (hot or
                                cold ?).TLM bit rate 4096 bps.
                                                                 This  IPS  seems  very new  and  at  the  top  of  the
                              Used for N & S station keeping. (1250 W). Isp
                IPS Subsystem                                      technology.
                                 3000 s. 4 thrusters with a thruster switch unit
                                                                 It  is  difficult  to  understand  how  they  can  claim

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