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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 21 of 38

              CHINASAT 9              Observation                      Comment /Assessment            Cri
                             Since there is no detailled schedule, the page   There is some doubts on the delivery date, but maybe
                             108 is considered as the master schedule.  is not a concern for insurance brokers.
                             With a Kick Off Jan 2014 and a coupling
                Project      expected in April 2016 (25 months after the
               Schedule      KO), and a a launch scheduled for March 2017
                             some slippages are expected.
                            The  8 months  for  the  single  line  flow  seems   There is some doubts on the delivery date, but maybe
                             reduced to a minimum difficult to accomplish  is not a concern for insurance brokers.
                             on this kind of spacecraft.
                            Page 109.A dedicated monitoring and   Monitoring teams (customer representatives) will
                             inspection team was established since the very  attend these reviews. What are their approvals rights
                             beginning of the program. The team has the  and can they report on their conclusion to the
              Manufacturing  manufacture monitoring experience in former  insurance brokers, to get their feedback.,
                             DFH-4 program. Several managers and
               Monitoring    technical experts from DFH-4 program are
                 teams       involved in related activities. Some of them
                             will be resident in the field office of CAST
                             since system AIT. The team will attend system,
                             subsystem and critical unit monitoring and
               System test   Page 137.Environmental tests done before   Why not, but this is not a program schedule oriented.
                 phases      TVAC, it means several mounting of
                             appendices (Solar Array, antennas).
              Launch flow   Page 121.  It appears that there is an Antenna   Why not, but there is no health check done after.
               spacecraft       and Solar Array deployment done on the
                                    launch pad, before fuelling.
                                            Table 7 Chinasat 9 technical assessment


            Based on the above analysis, one can conclude:
                  Provided that the lessons learned from previous experience (either good or bad) are taken into consideration the
                   spacecraft design looks sound.
                  The Chinasat 9A spacecraft is not too complex and the payload is relatively simple.
                  The technologies proposed can be qualified as “modern” and up to date.
                  Few critical units are subcontracted. What s the visibility that they will have
                  Most of the units are designed, manufactured and tested by CAST.
                  The categorization of the units and their qualification status is questionable.
                  The usage of  NiH2 batteries seems based on previous experience in orbit. Its qualification (including life test)
                   as to be detailed
                  Qualification status of the antenna technology.
                  The solar array heritage including SADM should be developed
                  The schedule and the launch date are questionable due in particular to the short duration of the single line flow.
                  The in orbit performances of Venesat are considered as a plus for the Laosat spacecraft.

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