Page 22 - test
P. 22

Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 20 of 38

            CHINASAT 9              Observation                         Comment /Assessment              Cri

                          Page 70. It seems That tha OBC and ADCE are   See comment on the left
                            in cold redundancy. This is a concern in case of
                            failure  on  the  nominal  path,  The  redundant
                            configuation  will  not  know  the  context  of
                            switch  ON. What  about  the  patches  loaded ?
                            Implication of the FDIR.
               AOCS        Page 70, The PVS in triple redundancy is in  See comment on the left.
             Subsystem      cold redundancy. What will be the implication
                            in case of failure of the primary PVC ? all the
                            AOCS will be unpowered, how the FDIR is
                            managing this event ?
                           Page 76.Operations mode and algorithm.   Explain the difference with The ECM mode and the FDIR.
                          Is there an EDAC protection to correct soft   See comment on the left.
                            errors and prevent SEU effects?
               OBDH       Page 82, It will be good to have on block   See comment on the left.
             Subsystem      diagram, all redundancies (cold, hot) and the
                            power distribution.
                          Page 85-90. If we trust all the good wording on   To  substantiate  the  heritage,  it  will  be  interesting  to  get
                            these pages, one can conclude that the solar  feedback for the in-orbit satellites (operational performances
                            array is in good shape.            versus predictions)..

                          It  will  be  good  to  know  which cell  type  they   See comment on the left.
                            are  using,  thickness  of  the  cover  glass
                            minimum  distance  between  cells  and  max   Can they confirm that the qual of this SA has been obtained
             Solar Array    voltage between adjacent cells. How the inner  with the same cell on the program referenced in their
                            panel is populated.                document fleet 2 and 9. DFH 4 makes use of triple junction
                                                               cells !
                          The BPBTA is not described.       See comment on the left.
                          Deployment mechanism not described.   See comment on the left.

                          Which units need to be modified to   Is there a need to review unit categorization?
                            accommodate a 100 Volt bus?

                                                            Just a comment.
                EPS          liIon and NiH2 for chinasat 9 ?
             Subsystem     What  is  the  fusing  strategy ?  where  the  fuses   See comment on the left.
                            are located (hopfully not inside each unit).
                          Are  the  units  and  spaccraft  subject  to  ESD   See comment on the left.
                          Is  the  EPS  and  entire  spacecraft  tested  for  
                            TDMA mode if applicable.
                          C band. There is only two command receivers.   .Minimum redundancy.
                            On other programs (and the industry standard)
                            is  a minimum of 3 command receivers..
                            During launch the telemetry is send only by the
                            Tx, there is no usage of the TWTA, same for
              TC & R        the GEO. May be is it due to the fact that the
             Subsystem      payload is only Ku. There 4 SSPAs to
                            compensate, nevertheless the TLM  Tx
                            redundancy is minimum, (2 for 1 redundancy)
                          Page 100 the telemetry bit rate is only 2000  
                            bps, (4096 bps on other spacecrafts), therefore
                            the  spacecraft observability will be reduced
             Deployment   Solar array deployment and strategy for  Just a comment.
             Mechanisms     deployment not addressed.

             This document is proprietary of BEAZLEY© and must be treated on a confidential basis. It may be used solely by BEAZLEY, use or reproduction, of the document and the
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