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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 15 of 38

                  Loasat-1               Observation                    Comment /Assessment          Cri

                               Page 102, It will be good to have on block   See comment on the left.
                                diagram, all redundancies (cold, hot) and the
                                power distribution.
                               Page 106. It seems that the AOCS is similar to   With  all  the  changes  in  the  subsystem,  it  is
                                previous design with removing of the IPS.  difficult to assess the real heritage.
                   Avionic     Is the AOCS computer in clod redundancy or is   Difficult to comprehend with the information
                  Subsystem     the second one in standby mode (with all the  provided.
                                context and patches stored in case of a need to
                                use the redundant). Same question for the
                                CMU processor.
                               Is there an EDAC protection to correct soft   See comment on the left.
                                errors and prevent SEU effects?
                               Page 109-113. If we trust all the good wording   To substantiate the heritage, it will be interesting
                                on these pages, one can conclude that the solar  to  get  feedback for  the  in-orbit  satellites
                                array is in good shape.             (operational performances versus predictions)
                                                                  Coherence between predicted performance
                                                                    between all the programs to be demonstrated.
                               It  will  be  good  to  know  which cell  type  they   See comment on the left.
                  Solar Array   are  using,  thickness  of  the  cover  glass
                                minimum  distance  between  cells  and  max
                                voltage between adjacent cells. How the inner
                                panel  is  populated. What  is  done  to  be
                                protected against ESD charging
                               The BABTA / SADM is not described.   See comment on the left.

                               Deployment mechanism not described.   Any flight experience?
                               Which units need to be modified to   Is there a need to review unit categorization?
                                accommodate a 100 Volt bus?
                                Li-Ion  batteries  page  122.  Some  accelerated  See comment on the left..
                                life  test  are  still ongoing.  There  is  a big
                    EPS         difference between LEO and GEO application.
                 Subsystem      What is in-orbit experience with L Ion batteries
                                in GEO.
                                What  is  the  fusing  strategy ?  where  the  fuses   See comment on the left.
                                are located (hopefully not inside each unit).
                               Are  the  units  and spacecraft subject  to  ESD   See comment on the left.
                               C band. Three command receivers, 3 OMNI   Classical approach no major comments.
                   TC & R       antennas in transfer and emergency, 3 TLM
                 Subsystem      TX + 2 TWTA in redundancy. Bit rate 4096
                 Deployment    Solar array deployment and strategy for  Just a comment.
                 Mechanisms     deployment not addressed.
                                Since there is no detailed schedule, the page   There is some doubts on the delivery date, but
                                134 is considered as the master schedule.  maybe is not a concern for insurance brokers.
                                With a Kick Off Dec 2012 and a coupling   It will be useful to get a combined schedule to
                                expected in March 2015 (25 months after the  verify that there is no conflict( human resources,
                                KO), and a a launch scheduled for Nov 2015  manufacturing facilities and test facilities)
                                some slippages are expected.        between their programs
                               The  6 months for the single  line flow seems   There is some doubts on the delivery date, but
                  Schedule      reduced to a minimum difficult to accomplish  maybe is not a concern for insurance brokers.
                                on this kind of spacecraft.
                               Design  review activities,  and manufacturing   It is stated that several major reviews have been
                                monitoring activities.              executed including teams (customer
                                                                    representatives) which attended these review.
                                                                    What are their approvals rights and can they
                                                                    report on their conclusion to the insurance

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