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Ref  : CM-DFH4-2014-1
                                                    BEAZLEY                   Issue : 1

                                               DFH 4 Series Spacecraft        Date : 28 Sept 2014
                                                                                                Page 14 of 38

                  Loasat-1               Observation                    Comment /Assessment          Cri

                 Subsystem      in orbit anaomalies  (helium  leakage,  10  N  development.
                               The  Pyro  valves  on  the  LAE  are  not  in   This is a risk item.
                                redundancy  (the  other  pyro  valves  are  in
                                redundabcy) .In case of a pyro valve failure the
                                nentire mission is lost
                               Page  87.  For  the  thusters,  There  is  only  one   This is a risk item
                                latch valve for  each branch.  If  one thruster is
                                leaking, the entire branch need to be isolated,
                                that means for a single thuster faile they will be
                                loosing all thusters in one branch. If they add
                                latch  valve  on  each  10  N  thruster,  they  can
                                isolate the defective thuster. Or they could use
                                double seat thrusters
                               Page  88.In  case  of  LAE failure,  the  backup   See comment on the left.
                                mode using the 10N thuster is questionable.
                               Page 90.Usage  of  star  tracker and  fiber optic   What is the experience and in-orbit experience?
                                gyros.                              What is the experience and implication on the
                                                                    Software (emergency mode, FDIR, on station).
                                                                  Who is the supplier of these items (FOG, and
                   AOCS                                             STS)
                 Subsystem      Page 92, subsystem configuration, i twill be  See comment on the left.
                                good to have a descriotion of the power
                                distribution to all units (DC/DC converters) and
                                explain the fusing.
                                Operations mode and algorithm.   Explain the difference with The ECM mode and
                                                                    the FDIR.
                               Page 102, It will be good to have on block   See comment on the left.
                                diagram, all redundancies (cold, hot) and the
                                power distribution.
                               Page 106. It seems that the AOCS is similar to   With all  the  changes  in  the  subsystem,  it  is
                                previous design with removing of the IPS.  difficult to assess the real heritage.
                   Avionic     Is the AOCS computer in cold redundancy or is   Difficult to comprehend with the information
                  Subsystem     the second one in standby mode (with all the  provided.
                                context and patches stored in case of a need to
                                use the redundant). Same question for the
                                CMU processor.
                               Is there an EDAC protection to correct soft   See comment on the left.
                                errors and prevent SEU effects?
                               Page 109-113. If we trust all the good wording   To substantiate the heritage, it will be interesting
                                on these pages, one can conclude that the solar  to  get  feedback  for  the  in-orbit  satellites
                                array is in good shape.             (operational performances versus predictions)
                  Solar Array                                     Coherence between predicted performances
                                                                    between all the programs to be demonstrated.

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