Page 12 - test
P. 12
Ref : CM-DFH4-2014-1
BEAZLEY Issue : 1
DFH 4 Series Spacecraft Date : 28 Sept 2014
Page 10 of 38
Topic Observation Comment /Assessment Cri
Resources and SE (development model). This is very need an overall management plan to demonstrate
testing challenging for 520 persons and certainly that CAST will be able to drive all these projects
generate conflict priority (manufacturing, tools
in parallel
facilities and tests facilities)
It will be good to get an organization chart with To be clarified.
the size of each department. And to whom they
Do they have enough test resources to run To be clarified
several programs in parallel, with significant
overlap? Will need a combined schedule in
order to see the interactions/potential conflicts
between all the satellites (design, Integration
and test
Since most of the DFH-4 units (and If the data are not restricted, it is legitimate to ask
subsystems) have been qualified on Venesat-1 clarifications.
with 6 years in orbit, it will be interesting to get If corrective actions have been implemented, it
some feedback on the in orbit performances will be good to know which one applies to the
DHS 4 In (solar array degradation vs. predictions, satellites under construction.
orbit outages (if any), number of redundant units Additional information received provide good
statement on China sat 6A and 11. But it
consumed, number of processor patches
performances uploaded, in orbit temperatures vs. predictions, underlines some other satellites with issues not
need to update the thermal model, power disclosed. In the documents So it will be useful
margin in eclipse…) Also date on other to get a clearer visibility on the status of all the
satellites like Chinasat 6A, 10 are welcome. satellite in orbit when design/equipment are used
also in the satellite under assessments.
It will have been useful that they underline
precisely the main design evolution since the
launch based on the flight experience on If the data are not restricted, it is legitimate to
DHS 4 Venesat. As an example, it is believed that the ask clarifications.
Evolution antenna manufacturing process has evolved Some partial answers were provided, with the in
orbit performances, nevertheless the overall
Since Venesat during time (Kevlar, honey comb with skin in status is difficult to be assessed
carbon, thin skin in carbon, Mesh with C wires
, shaped reflectors ...etc. How these new
technologies have been qualified for the
dedicated application or the satellites covered
by the documentation)
It seems that they do not have an approach It is suggested to go to a PFM approach for any
Program PFM on the first spacecraft, everything is equipment modified (even if minor) and for the
first satellite recurring model (including mission
considered FM Even the equipment in
development category C and B modifications) shall be subject to a PFM test
To build a communication spacecraft (design This could be a significant issue, but I do not
life 15 years), to survive to the radiation have the expertise to interpret the official
environment, it is obvious that some Radiation documentation
Hardened EEE parts (RADHARD, RH version) With the additional in orbit experience provided,
and SEU free devices are needed. Therefore it it seems that they are not suffering too many
is almost impossible to build a spacecraft as an SEU events, typical of no RAD hard devices,
“ITAR fee” spacecraft because some RAD This is fine, but the question remains, how they
Export Control HARD parts are only build in the US. Since can get such rad hard devices without violating
ITAR most of the units are build by CAST, it is any Export license rules and ITAR restrictions.
difficult to comprehend how CAST can procure What is the necessary visibility that they get
these parts without violating the ITAR / EAR when monitoring equipment which are
rules. It apply also on units procured from US manufactured outside China
(if any). I believe that it is legitimate to
question CAST on this matter.
What is certainly of interest for To be reviewed.
insurance is their approach toward the in orbit
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