Page 20 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 20

Lesson  5



                                                  The movie Titanic is probably one of the most
                                                  tragic yet romantic movies of all time. When I saw
                                                  it, I can’t help but shed tears at the part when Jack

                                                  is telling Rose that she must never give up no

                                                  matter what happens. On the other hand, the
                                                  debonair, Nathan, made me swoon as well.

                                                  Although very romantic, the ending still made
                                                  me very sad.


               *An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory
               terms. Oxymora usually come in adjective-noun forms.
                              ► Deafening silence
                              ► Tragic comedy                                                Keywords
                              ► Alone together
                                                                                          reduce / relieve /
                                                                                            prescription /
                     Questions                                                            cautious / taking

               1. Did you like the movie Titanic?
               2. What do you think is a tearjerker?
               3. If Nathan is a debonair, how would you describe him?
               4. What other movies can be considered tearjerkers?
               5. Which movie is more tragic, Romeo and Juliet or Titanic?

                     Sample Answers                                                      Vocabulary &

               1. Yes, I do. I think it’s a very sad movie.
               2. A tearjerker is a sentimental story,                             Tragic: characteristic or
                   drama, or performance.                                          suggestive of tragedy
                                                                                   Swoon: to enter a state
               3. I think Nathan is a very handsome                                of hysterical rapture or
                   gentleman.                                                      ecstasy.
               4. I think City of Angels is a tearjerker.
               5. I think Romeo and Juliet is more tragic because
                   both lovers died.

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