Page 21 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 21
Choose the right word to complete the sentence.
1. That plane crash is a (tragic, tropical) accident.
2. (Tears, Sheers) fell down from her eyes when she heard my sad
3. Myrna hates (tearjerker, tearing) movies.
4. It was an (impressive, impress) performance.
5. They (portrayed, portrait) the characters well.
Give the suitable preposition in each sentence.
1. I will go (with, on) my parents to the school.
2. We need to obey this rule (for, on) the peace and order in the
3. Do you believe (in, at) reincarnation?
4. My sister lives (in, at) San Antonio, Texas.
5. I have seen that documentary (at, on) TV.