Page 76 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 76

Lesson  19


                                                   Blue Blood

                                                   Sometimes, I wonder how it’s like to live like

                                                   Queen Elizabeth, or her son, Prince Charles,

                                                   where all of your whims and fancies will never
                                                   be refused. How does it feel to be dressed

                                                   in regal clothes and to be honored and
                                                   respected by commoners?

                                                   I guess it will always be a mystery to me, for
                                                   I will never be blue blooded.


                                                                                             like / prince /
                     Grammar                                                                  commoners

               *Abstract Nouns refer to concepts or ideas that are not concretely or directly

               observable by using the senses. Abstract nouns can be formed from
               adjectives or verbs by adding the suffixes –ness, -ty, and -tion.
                              ►   Justice
                              ►   Happiness
                              ►   Legality


               1. What is your idea of blue blood?
               2. Have you ever dreamed of being a member of a royal family?
               3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of
                   being blue blooded?
               4. What do you think of their lifestyles?
               5. Who do you think is the most famous blue blood in history?

                     Sample Answers

               1. Being blue blood means being part of the royal                         Vocabulary &
                   family.                                                                Expressions
               2. Yes, sometimes I do.                                             Commoners: A person
               3. I think the advantage is that you will be respect-               without noble rank or title
                   ed by people. The disadvantage is that you will                 Prince: a nonreigning male
                                                                                   member of a royal family
                   always be observed.

               4. I think they live a very comfortable life.
               5. I think it is Princess Diana.

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