Page 81 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 81


 Religious Beliefs  Give the word that is defined in the sentence out from the
                   jumbled letters.

 It says in the Bible that God created everything  1.   To accept as true or real

 in six days and rested on the seventh.      E B L E I  V E
 While some scientists have made some  2.   The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings

 theories which contradict what was written        including the books of both the Old Testament and the New
 in the Holy Book, people from all over the world        Testament

 still prefer to believe that there is a God,  B L  E B I
 and He is the only source of life.  3.   Having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity

 But in this democratic world, people come up  E R L I  G I  O S U
 with beliefs of their own.   4.   One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods

 There are atheists, freethinkers, and masons.     T H E I  S T  A
 How about you? What or who do you believe in?.
                   5.   One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in
                         religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation

                         E E F R T             H I      N K E R


                   There is an underlined word in each sentence. Try to identify
                   what part of speech it is.

                   1.   Building good relationship with coworkers is important.
                          A. noun                      B. adjective                 C. pronoun

                   2.   We should be responsible for our actions.
                          A. noun                      B. adjective                 C. pronoun

                   3.   You have an inspiring story to share.

                          A. noun                      B. adjective                 C. pronoun

                   Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose from the given

                                                CHOIR         TROUPE

                   4.   A _________ is a group who dances in coordination.
                   5.   A _________ is a singing group who focuses on harmony.

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