Page 84 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 84
Lesson 1 Grammar p.15
Vocabulary p.3 1. tall (Use the positive degree of comparison when describing one noun or pronoun
1. C. famous (means well-known) alone.)
2. A. acronym 2. the (use ‘the’ to introduce superlative degree of comparison)
3. B. competition (means contest) 3. bigger (add -er to the adjective to denote comparative degree of comparison.)
4. A. athletic (of or relating to sports) 4. no error
5. A. dominated (means ruled or controlled) 5. no error
Grammar p.3 Exercises p.16
1. PRESENT TENSE 1. I have one sibling only.
2. PAST TENSE I only have one sibling.
3. PAST TENSE 2. I stay in my apartment.
4. FUTURE TENSE 3. I communicate with my family through email.
5. FUTURE TENSE 4. Mt. Fuji is in Japan.
5. Do you know how to make cheesecake?
Exercises p.4
1. I had a special dinner with my family. Reading Comprehension p.17
2. Yes, I have a good relationship with them. 1. true
3. A. I go to the university by public transportation. 2. false (it’s John)
4. B. How do you manage your tasks? 3. true
5. A. When will you be back? 4. false (it talks about sibling rivalry)
5. true
Reading Comprehension p.5
1. Seoul National University
2. Korea University Lesson 5
3. Yonsei University Vocabulary p.19
4. Universities 1. tragic (means disastrous)
5. Seoul National University 2. Tears (A drop of the clear salty liquid that is secreted by the lacrimal gland of
the eye to lubricate the surface between the eyeball and eyelid and to wash away
Lesson 2 3. tearjerker (sentimental story, drama, or performance)
4. impressive (remarkable)
Vocabulary p.7 5. portrays (represent)
1. grand
2. reunion
3. special Grammar p.19
4. anniversary 1. with (Use ‘with’ to indicate accompaniment)
5. celebrate 2. for (Use ‘for’ to indicate purpose.)
3. in (Use in to indicate ‘in the side of’)
4. in (Use ‘in’ to indicate ‘in the area of’.)
Grammar p.7 5. on (Use ‘on’ to indicate conveyance.)
1. I (use ‘am’ , which is the 1st person singular present of the linking verb ‘be’)
2. is (‘Anne’ is singular subject, so the verb must be ‘is’.)
3. is (‘Everybody’ takes a singular verb.) Exercises p.20
4. are (‘They’ is plural, so the verb must be ‘are’.) 1. sadly
5. are (‘Reading novels and cooking’ is plural, so the verb must be ‘are’.) 2. Sadness
3. sad
4. happening
Exercises p.8 5. happen
1. A. green
2. A. Yes, I do.
3. B. It’s quite difficult. Reading Comprehension p.21
4. A. sure! 1. Titanic
5. B. in the kitchen (It is usually found in the kitchen.) 2-3. Jack, Rose
4. sad
5. Nathan
Reading Comprehension p.9
1. yes
2. no (they have 12 children)
3. yes Lesson 6
4. yes
5. yes Vocabulary p.23
1. destroy
2. lazy
3. assignment
Lesson 3 4. isolated
Vocabulary p.11 5. strawberry (It is a false fruit.)
1. A. weird
2. A. offensive Grammar p.23
3. A. safe 1. carrots
4. A. breathe in 2. mountains
5. A. consume 3. cacti or cactuses
4. oxymora
Grammar p.11 5. bases
1. They (It refers to Kelly, Robert, and Cindy.)
2. He (It refers to Fred.) Exercises p.24
3. It (It refers to the bag.) 1. yes
4. I (We use ‘I’ as subject.) 2. no (having no idea means that one has not enough information to make a
5. She (It refers to Glenda.) statement about something)
3. Ray and Mike have a lot of friends in school.
Exercises p.12 Mike and Ray have a lot of friends in school.
1. B. 4. My teachers become my mother’s friends.
2. A. 5. My favorite subjects are history and mathematics.
3. E. My favorite subjects are mathematics and history.
4. D. Mathematics and history are my favorite subjects.
5. C. History and mathematics are my favorite subjects.
Reading Comprehension p.13 Reading Comprehension p.25
1-2. Singapore, Philippines 1. Lina
3-4. pineapple, jackfruit 2. teacher’s pet
5. heaven 3. school
4. school
5. not stated
Lesson 4
Vocabulary p.15
1. siblings (another term for brothers or sisters)
2. pressured (being pressure or anxious)
3. double one’s effort (means to work harder)
4. compared (the act of comparing one thing to another thing)
5. achievements (accomplishments)