Page 80 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 80
Lesson 20
Religious Beliefs
It says in the Bible that God created everything
in six days and rested on the seventh.
While some scientists have made some
theories which contradict what was written
in the Holy Book, people from all over the world
still prefer to believe that there is a God,
and He is the only source of life.
But in this democratic world, people come up
with beliefs of their own.
There are atheists, freethinkers, and masons.
How about you? What or who do you believe in?.
*Collective nouns refer to groups that consist of more than one
individual or member.
► Herd (of sheep) ► Students ► Writers
Questions bible / some / believe
1. Have you read the bible? Do you believe in it?
2. What do you think of the theories regarding the creation?
3. Are you familiar with what atheists, freethinkers, and masons believe in?
4. What is your opinion about God?
5. Do you think that religion only brings conflict to our social relationships?
Why or why not?
Sample Answers Vocabulary &
1. Yes, I have, and I believe in what it says.
2. I think that it is hard to prove how everything was Believe: to have confidence
created. or faith in the truth of (a
positive assertion, story,
3. No, I don’t know about them at all. etc.); give credence to
4. I think that there is a God who controls everything. Bible: the collection of sa-
cred writings of the Christian
5. Maybe, but it can also bring unity at some points. religion, comprising the Old
and New Testaments.