Page 13 - New_TEN_English-6
P. 13

Skill 56-B      The question is, is it reliable news?

                                                                                  A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations.

                                                                                       •If you ask me        •The question is
                                                                                       •The way I see it     •As far as I know

                                                                                  1. A: We can do it.
                                                                                    B:            , can we really make it happen without taking any risks?

                                                                                  2. A: Should I go tell Miranda that she is in trouble? What do you think?
                                                                                    B:            , you’d better not. It’s her business.

                                                                                  3. A: It’s really getting hot. Isn’t it weird?
                                                                                    B:            , it’s because of global warming.
          1. A: Have you heard the news? North Korea already has nuclear weapons!
           B: The question is, is it reliable news?
                                                                                  4. A: I’m sure the chemistry professor will cancel the final test. I heard
                                                                                       he’s in the hospital.
          2. A: I’m not sure if I should cut my hair or get a perm.                 B:            , he’s not the kind of person who would cancel a test.
           B: If you ask me, I think your hair looks fine now.

          3. A: The way I see it, these layoffs will be good for the company.     B. What do you think of the topic below?
           B: Just between you and me, I think you’re right.
                                                                                  1. Marriage between close relatives
          4. A: Is Minsook still thinking about adopting a dog?                     → The question is if                         .
           B: As far as I know, yes. She’s looking for a pure-bred schnauzer.
                                                                                  2. About the next election
           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.               → As far as I know,                          .

                                                                                  3. Love at first sight
                                                                                    → If you ask me,                             .

              [Giving opinion]                                                    C. What is your opinion about companies allowing/offering flexible work schedules?
              •The question is…
              •If you ask me…
              •The way I see it…

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