Page 14 - New_TEN_English-6
P. 14

Skill 57-A      Generally, about sixty.

                                                                                  A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations.

                                                                                       •or so   •kind of   •more or less   •According to   •Generally

                                                                                  1. A: How’s that project going?
                                                                                    B: It’s not going well. It’s     stuck at the moment.

                                                                                  2. A: How much are the gold earrings?
                                                                                    B: I guess they’re 10,000 won       , like the others.

                                                                                  3. A: How much is the rent, when compared to rent in the U. S.?
                                                                                    B: it’s,         , the same.
          1. A: He’s kind of dim, isn’t he?
           B: Well, he’s definitely not the brightest man, but he’s not that bad.  4. A: When is the average age at marriage in Korea?
                                                                                    B:            , about 25.
          2. A: Wow! Chris looks great! Has he lost weight?
           B: Yes, he told me he lost ten kilos or so.                            5. A: Did Prince William get divorced?
                                                                                    B:            the press, he’s in the process of divorcing.
          3. A: How was Mimi’s concert last night? Was that theater full?
           B: Not really, but it was more or less a success.
                                                                                  B. Answer the questions using the given expressions.
          4. A: What’s the retirement age in Korea?                               A: What’s cotton candy like?
           B: Generally, about sixty. It depends, though.
                                                                                  B: It’s kind of         .
          5. A: What’s going on with that airplane hijacking?
           B: According to the news, the hijackers have released the women.       C. What will you say given the following situations?

           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.               a. You got an invite to go out but you have to finish a report.
                                                                                    b. You proposed a project and your teammates asked when you will know the
                                                                                      decision of your boss.
              [Softening the way of speaking]
              •kind of         •…or so.         •More or less
                                                                                    c. You were asked about the average retiring age in your company.
              •generally       •according to…

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