Page 5 - New_TEN_English-6
P. 5

Skill 52-B      Do you want anything to drink?

                                                                                   A. Change the words if necessary to complete the conversations.

                                                                                   1. A: Do you need         to drink?                     *something
                                                                                    B: No, thanks.

                                                                                   2. A: Can I have a word with you? I have    to tell you.       *something
                                                                                    B: OK. What is it?

                                                                                   3. A: Where’s your brother?                             *surf
                                                                                    B: He’s in his room        the Internet.

                                                                                   4. A: Mom, I can’t find the cherry pie in the fridge.                                   *cover
          1. A: We’d better put our cell phones on silent mode before the           B: It’s the square one        by a red plastic bag.
              performance starts.
           B: OK, good idea. Do you want anything to drink?
                                                                                  B. What would you say ...
          2. A: I wish I had a robot working instead of me.                       1. when you’re thirsty?
           B: You never know, it could happen one day.                            Is there                            ?

          3. A: Which one of these books is the one you wrote?                    2. when you’re too busy and can’t do the work alone?
           B: Oh, it’s the one covered with blue paper. I didn’t want it to get dusty.  I wish I had                   .

          4. A: Have you seen the pictures James took on our vacation?
           B: Yes. They turned out really well. He really captured all of the     C. Complete the dialogues by giving your own response using the hints in parentheses and the
              best moments.                                                       expressions from the lesson. Then, answer the question that follows.

           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.             1. A: How was your trip? Did you go snowboarding?
                                                                                    B: ____________________________.  (You went skiing)
                                                                                      Question: Which winter sport or activity do you prefer doing?

              •anything to drink                                                  2. A: It’s so hot outside, and I walked three blocks from the bus stop!
              •a robot working instead of me                                        B: ____________________________.     (Offer your friend a drink)
              •The one covered with blue paper
              •the picture James took                                                 Question: What do you usually offer your visitors at home?

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