Page 6 - New_TEN_English-6
P. 6

Skill 53-A      I worked overtime last week.

                                                                                  A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations. If necessary, change the form of the verb.

                                                                                       •pay in monthly installments   •kicked out of school
                                                                                       •first-come, first-served basis       •work overtime   •go to work

                                                                                  1. A: How will you pay for the dishwasher?   B: I’ll       .

                                                                                  2. A: Why are you still at the office?                              B: I’m   .

                                                                                  3. A: What will you do tomorrow?           B: I’ll         .

                                                                                  4. A: He caused big trouble at his school. Will he get kicked out?
          1. A: I’d like to pay for it in monthly installments.
           B: OK. The payments can be spread over 12, 24, or 36 months. Which       B: I guess he’ll get      .
             would you like?
                                                                                  5. A: What is the seat number of this ticket?
                                                                                    B: The policy of this theater is on a   .
          2. A: I worked overtime last week. I even worked all day last Saturday.
           B: That must have been hard. But at least you’ll get paid more next month.
                                                                                  B. Answer the questions and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
          3. A: I’m not feeling very well. I don’t think I can go to work today.
           B: That’s OK. Just take good care of yourself.
                                                                                  A: When you buy something through home shopping or on-line shopping,
                                                                                     how do you like to pay the bills?
          4. A: Why was his son kicked out of school?
                                                                                     *pay in monthly installments ↔ pay in one lump sum
           B: I heard he was involved in a violent fight with another student.
                                                                                  B: I’d like to pay in monthly installments.        *            .
          5. A: How will they decide who gets seats for the play?
           B: It’s on a first-come, first-served basis.                           C. Choose a situation and talk about it with your teacher:

                                                                                    a. working overtime
           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.
                                                                                    b. buying an appliance or gadget using your credit card
              •pay in monthly installments               •work overtime
              •go to work                                             •be kicked out of school  c. first day at work
              •drop out of school        •first-come, first-served basis

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