Page 19 - OPIC-Intermediate
P. 19

Answer B:
               I spent my Chuseok holiday last month in my hometown, Chonju. I traveled from Seoul to there.
               It was really worth the effort. My family and I went to our ancestor’s graves to pay respects to
               their spirits. We performed ancestral rituals early in the morning. Then, we went home to eat food
               specially cooked for the occasion. There were japchae, bulgogi, and different kinds of rice cakes.
               There were fresh fruits, too. At night, the women and the children danced the “Ganggangsullae”.
               It was an entertaining performance. All in all, it was a solemn yet enjoyable celebration.

              Points to emphasize in answering:
                   Give the basic details about the event.
                   - When did the event happen?
                   - Where did the event happen?
                   - Who spent the event with you?

                   Provide the activities you did. Always observe time flow.
                            [example: We performed ancestral rituals early in the morning. Then, we went
                            home to eat food specially cooked for the occasion. At night, the women and the
                            children danced the “Ganggangsullae”.]

                   Conclude the answer with the overall experience in the event.
                            [example: All in all, it was a solemn yet enjoyable celebration.]


                ancestor - someone from whom you are descended
                grave - a place of burial
                pay respects - express admiration
                ancestral ritual - a ceremonial act to pay respects to ancestors
                specially - particularly
                solemn - serious and sincere

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