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P. 14

Chapter 2 One’s Residence

                   Unit 2: The Neighborhood

          Question: Describe the things that surround your neighborhood. Tell
          whether your place is a busy area or a quiet one.

              Answer 1:
               I live in the suburbs. There are only a few buildings and houses in the area. I could see bigger
               houses where my neighbors live. Only a few cars, trucks and buses pass by the road. Houses
               have plants and some trees around them. I could see pretty flowers, too. Young children have more
               space where they could bike or play. My friends and I love taking a walk going to the small parks.

              Points to emphasize in answering:
                   Mention the type of neighborhood you have
                           Example: a community in the city, a place in the countryside, somewhere in
                           the suburb

                   Cite structures that could be seen in that area
                           Example: There are only a few buildings and houses.

                   Describe the environment and the people
                           Example: I could see bigger houses where my neighbors live. Only a few cars,
                           trucks and buses pass by the road.

                suburb - an area immediately after the city
                area - place

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