Page 19 - OPIC-Begin
P. 19

Answer 2:
             My school specializes in education. It is a school for future public elementary school teachers
             in South Korea. For more than 10 years, it has trained skilled teachers. The university has two
             campuses.  The  undergraduate  college  only  offers  studies  in  Elementary  Education.  There  are
             around three hundred students who are enrolled here right now. I chose this school because I want
             to be a competent teacher someday.

            Points to emphasize in answering:
                 Give a brief introduction about your school.
                          Example: My school specializes in public school education.

                 Describe its features further:
                          * the campuses
                          * the course it offers
                          * the number of students

                specialize - give importance to a special field of study or work
                elementary school - primary school for children from 6-13 years old
                campus - a field on which the buildings of a university are located
                undergraduate college - the college one goes in before getting a degree
                competent - qualified; capable; skilled
                enroll - to register or be listed

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