Page 18 - OPIC-Begin
P. 18

Chapter 3 Campus Life

                   Unit 1: One’s School

          Question: I would like to know more about your school. Try to describe
          its characteristics and the things people would see once they visit your

              Answer 1:
               My school is one of the oldest and biggest institutions in Korea. The school programs and departments
               are organized into 16 colleges. There are buildings for each college. We also have a museum and
               an ice rink. The university museum contains over 100,000 pieces of data and artifacts. The Ice
               Rink is an Olympic-sized skating rink that also serves as a training base for national athletes. The
               school provides facilities to make learning better.

              Points to emphasize in answering:
                   When answering the question, try to give a general description of the school that makes
                   it unique.
                           example: My school is one of the oldest and biggest schools in Korea.

                   give more specific details by:
                   - telling the number of colleges or courses offered in the school
                           example: The school programs and departments are organized into 16 colleges.
                   - talking about the structures or buildings in the school
                           example: We also have a museum and an ice rink.
                   - describing the overall atmosphere in school
                           example: The school provides facilities to make learning better.

                institution - established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public
                service, or culture
                school program - a program of education; a program for a course or major in school
                facility - something built for a specific function
                museum - a place or building where objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest are exhibited,
                preserved, or studied
                artifacts - man-made objects used or preserved for historical or archaeological interest
                Olympic-sized - a size for the type of pool or rink used in Olympic games
                training base - a place where athletes or trainees of a group or team practice
                contain - has or have something
                athlete - a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests

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