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Chapter 3 Campus Life

                   Unit 4: Favorite Class or Subject

          Question: Students have favorite subjects in school. They usually enjoy
          attending  class  when  they  like  the  subject.  Tell  something  about  your
          favorite class in school.

              Answer 1:
               My favorite class in school is English. I like this subject because I want to learn more about this
               language. I want to be fluent in English. I study lessons about grammar and vocabulary. I also get
               to know more about expressions. My skills in writing and speaking keep on improving. Studying
               English is useful. I can talk to foreigners using this language. I could understand English films and
               books better, too.

              Points to emphasize in answering:
                   Say your favorite class and tell the reason why you like it.
                           [example: I like studying English because I want to learn it.]

                   Tell what things you learn in that class
                           [example: I study lessons about grammar and vocabulary.]

                   Tell the importance of learning in that class
                           [example: I can talk to foreigners using this language.]

                favorite - something regarded with special favor or liking
                fluent - able to speak or write a foreign language clearly and smoothly
                grammar - the study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences
                vocabulary - all the words of a language
                expression - a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations
                improve - to get better
                foreigner - a person from another country

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