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Chapter 3 Campus Life

                   Unit 5: Joining School Projects

          Question: Share something about projects you do in school. Try to

          describe one of the projects that you joined.

              Answer 1:
               Our  school  has  many  projects  organized  by  teachers  and  students. Last  year,  I  joined  a  tree
               planting activity. The project aims to encourage more people in the community to help keep the
               forest green and clean. My classmates and I hiked around the place where we planted trees. The
               weather was hot, but we felt good for doing something good for the environment.  I hope that all
               the seedlings we planted would grow tall and healthy. Next year, I plan to join this project again. I
               would also invite my friends to come with me.

              Points to emphasize in answering:

                   Provide details about the project by
                   - telling what the project is
                     example: Last year, I joined a tree planting activity.
                   - telling the aim of the project
                           example: The project aims to encourage more people to care for the forests.

                   Share some memorable experiences while doing the projects.
                           example: My classmates and I hiked around the place where we planted trees.
                   Give a summary of what you learned in doing the project.
                           [example: We felt good for doing something good for the environment.]

                organized - arranged or formed
                activity - a particular event or function
                aim - purpose or reason
                encourage - to inspire
                hike - to go on an extended walk for pleasure or exercise
                environment - things that make up the surroundings
                seedlings - young plants

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