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P. 54

Chapter 5 Spare Time Activities

                   Unit 3: Joining Clubs

          Question: Most schools have clubs or organizations. Some students join a
          club to help them with their school work. Others want to improve their skills.
          You may want to share an experience about joining clubs in school.

              Answer 1:

               I am a sophomore in a university. I am also a member of our school’s computer club. We usually
               plan and organize activities related to computer programming and Information Technology. This
               helps us with our studies. We also make sure that we have fun activities. It is good to be part of a
               club. It enhances your potential and helps you make good friends.

              Points to emphasize in answering:

                   Briefly describe the nature of the club or organization
                           Example: I am a member of the computer club in school.

                   Mention some of the activities that you do in that club.
                           Example: We usually plan and organize activities related to computer programming.

                   Also talk about the benefits of being a member of a club.
                           Example: It enhances your potential and helps you make good friends.

                sophomore - s student in the second year of high school or college                                    club - an
                association of people with a common interest
                enhance - to improve or add to the desirable quality of something
                organize - to form or establish something by coming together or bringing people together          potential
                - capable of being or becoming

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