Page 55 - OPIC-Begin
P. 55

Answer 2:
             I am a graduating student. Joining clubs is well recognized in our university and is a part of college
             life. I am an active member of an academic organization. It is one of the renowned clubs in the
             College of Business Management. Members of this club are dedicated to studying the method of
             accumulating and utilizing wealth. At a young age, we get to know about putting up a business and
             how to manage it.

            Points to emphasize in answering:
                 Give a short description about organizations and clubs in your school.
                          Example: Joining clubs is well recognized in our university and is a part of
                          college life.

                 Mention the name or nature of your club.
                          Example: I am an active member of an academic organization.

                 Try to cite one of the objectives of joining your club.
                          Example: Members of this club are dedicated in studying the method of
                          accumulating and utilizing wealth.

                passionate - having a keen enthusiasm for something
                renown - widespread fame or honor
                dedicated - committed to something
                accumulate - to collect or obtain a large amount of something
                utilize - to find a practical or effective use for something

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