Page 59 - OPIC-Begin
P. 59

Answer 2:

             I find comedy enjoyable to watch. I like laughing aloud every time I watch a comedy film. It
             makes me feel refreshed. Lee Min Ho is my favorite comedian. A memorable comedy film to me
             is Frivolous Wife. It is very hilarious. I have seen this movie several times, but I don’t get tired of
             watching it. I always recommend the film to my friends.

            Points to emphasize in answering:

                 Tell your favorite movie genre.
                          Example: Comedy is my favorite genre, on TV or in films.

                 Explain why you like those kinds of movies.
                          Example: I like laughing aloud every time I watch comedy.

                 Give an example of your favorite comedian/film
                          Example: Lee Min Ho is my favorite comedian.

                genre - one of the categories, based on form, style, or subject matter, into which artistic works of all
                kinds can be divided
                frivolous - lacking in intellectual substance and not worth with serious consideration
                hilarious - very amusing
                recommend - suggest

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