Page 63 - OPIC-Begin
P. 63

Answer 2:
             I usually watch drama shows. I like stories about love or family. There is one soap opera I watch
             every night. It is about compassion between two brothers. The siblings needed to survive in
             a war. The actors played their roles well. I even cried last night because of the story. I learn
             lessons from watching it.

            Points to emphasize in answering:

                 Tell more about the kind of movies you chose by:
                          - introducing it [example: I usually watch drama shows]
                          - giving a more specific type [example: I like stories about love or family.]

                 Cite an example of the type you chose
                          - give a title or specific time when you usually watch it
                          - tell a scene that you like most

                 Conclude your answer by telling why you watch the show.
                          [example: I learn lessons from watching it.]

                drama - a genre of program that usually makes audience emotional
                soap opera - a TV program with a continuous story that airs regularly
                compassion - care
                survive - stay alive
                role - character
                lessons - morals

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