Page 16 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 16

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        E.  Read the prompt. Then underline the phrases you could use in your own response.

             Some  people think  best friends usually have similar  personalities and  like the
             same things. Others think best friends usually have opposite personalities and
              like different things.  What do you think?

             Reasons for being friends
             •  share feelings   •  learn from each other   •  have fun  together
             •  help each other   •  share experiences    •  have the  same goals

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        n F.  니sten to the sample responses and complete the outlines. 톨뭘힐

                 Sample response 1                     Sample response 2
                g                                     g二깅

        My personality:    My friend’s        My personality:    My friend’s
                           personality:                         personality:

        Like to do:                           Like to do:

        Best friends because:                 Best friends because:

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        G.  FiII in the blanks with the correct words.

              opposite      different     activity     similar      personality

          1.  My father and  mother are talkative.  They have the same
          2.  The               of shy is outgoing.
          3.  They are both tall and  have dark hair.  They  look
          4.  Scuba diving is  an  interesting
          5.  Candy and fruit are            types of food
                                                               UNIT 2  Independent  27
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