Page 18 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 18

1  Inte  rated

        Getting Ready to Speak

        A.  Learn the words.


           outdoor    opposite of indoor; not inside
           studio     an  artist’s work space
          speed       quick movement

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           medium     the way that something  is done or the things used to do it
          nature      the outside world
          influence   affect someone’s behavior
          realistic   looking real; similar to  real  life
          critic      a person who judges or evaluates

        B.  Read  the passage. Then answer the questions.

                Impressionism  is  a style  of  art that was  popular  in  the  1800s. It  started  in
             France. The medium was paint on canvas.  Impressionists tried to paint their own
             experiences. Nature and the outdoors influenced them. They mostly painted trees
             and lakes. They worked outdoors, not in a studio. Speed was important because
             realistic work had to  be finished  quickly. Critics did not like this style at first.

          1.  When  was  Impressionism popular and where was it started?
             Impressionism was  popular in       and it was  started in
          2.  What did  Impressionists paint?
             Impressionists painted
          3.  What do you think the lecture will  be about?
             1 think the  lecture will  be about

        톨 률 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.

       n c.  Listen and 때eat. 를훨힐
                                                                UNIT 2  Integrated  29
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