Page 19 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 19


        A.  Read the passage again and underline the key information.

                 Impressionism  is  a style  of  art that was  popular  in  the  1800s.  It  started  in
              France. The medium was paint on canvas. Impressionists tried to paint their own
              experiences. Nature and the outdoors influenced them. They mostly painted trees
              and lakes. They worked outdoors, not in a studio. Speed was important because
              realistic work had to  be finished  quickly. Critics did not like this style at first

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        n B.  Listen to the lecture and take notes.  휩률이
                 •  They painted things to
                 •  Nineteenth century art supplies were
                 •  Artists painted
                 •  Monet
                  - painted  in  a
                  - liked  painting
                    did  not have a real
                 •  Nature often
                 •  Speed  was
                 •  Monet tried
                 •  Red, yellow, and  green  for
                 •  Cloudy scenes used

        C.  Read  the prompt.

              The professor and the passage give details about Impressionism. Explain how
              Monet’s style of painting was typical of Impressionists.

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