Page 25 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 25
톨 률 A. Read the prompt. Then take turns answering the questions with a partner.
Talk about how you communicate on the computer.
1. Whom do you send emails to?
2. 00 you have a blog? What do you do with your blog?
3. What do you look at on your friends' web pages?
4. 00 you like using instant messaging? Why?
B. Make a list of things that are put on web pages with your classmates.
C. Read the prompt. Then complete the answers with your own information.
Talk about writing letters.
How often? I write letters
Who? I write letters to
Why? I send letters because
What? to send letters because
t t Now pra띠ce your answers with a partneι
D. Make a list of communication-related words and phrases with a partner.
36 I Speaking I