Page 27 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 27
Step 1
Read the prompt.
Technology has changed the way many people communicate. Some people
prefer to send emails, write messages on blogs, α use instant messaging. Other
people prefer to call on the telephone or write letters. How do you prefer to
communicate? Why?
Step 2
ζ 그
First reason: Second reason:
Like because:
Think that:
Step 3
Write a response using your outline from above.
1 like to communicate by
It is great because
In addition ,
1 can
It is much easier
For me,
g 률 Work with a paπner. Take turns saying your response. Then change partners
two more times. Time yourselves!
Your time: seconds Partner one’s time: seconds
Your time: seconds Partner two’s time: seconds
Your time: seconds Partner three’s tíme: seconds
38 I Speaking I